Viviane Teitelbaum
Viviane Teitelbaum is a member of the Belgian Parliament since 2004.
She is active in social and health affairs, environment, gender equality and the fight against racism, antisemitism, homophobia…
As former Deputy to the Mayor in the municipality of Ixelles, she was in charge of urban planning, public cleaning. In charge of finances she has implemented the first gender budgeting in a Belgian municipality.
Active and recognized feminist, she is the past President of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) elected in that position from 2012 to 2016 and of the French Council of Women in Belgium that she chaired from 2010 to 2018. She is currently the cofounder and chair of the Observatory of Violence Against Women.
On the issues of violence against women Viviane worked on domestic violence, trafficking in human beings, prostitution, excisions, rape, and economic violence (poverty, homeless women, single parent family headed by women, wage and pension inequalities). On the international level she worked in solidarity with women facing religious and cultural radicalism. She also worked on abortion right and participated in numerous symposiums and round tables of experts.
She is a writer who has published ten books and is co-author of different collective publications and books. She holds a licence in Journalism from ULB (Brussels) and a master’s degree in International Relations, from the University of Southern California (USA).