Dr Adina Schwartz
Dr Adina Schwartz is a manager of project development and research at the Yedidut Toronto Foundation in Jerusalem.
She leads initiatives for adapting poverty alleviation programs and other intervention models to communities abroad. Adina manages measurement and evaluation of the foundation's programs. She also supervises the expansion of programs that strive to empower teens in the social periphery to attain high school matriculation certificates.
Adina has vast experience in education in both the American and Israeli school systems. She has enjoyed teaching and administrative roles in schools and in adult education. Adina has
consulted to educational leadership in Israel and abroad.
Before joining Yedidut Toronto, Adina managed the integration process at Nefesh B’Nefesh for immigrant parents and educators to ease their bicultural adjustment to the Israeli educational infrastructure. In parallel, she earned her PhD at the Hebrew University in 2016 on the interaction of American immigrant parents with the school system.
Adina lives in Beit Shemesh with her husband. She has 4 grown children and one grandchild