Opening of the 14 European Annual Conference of Jewish Social Welfare
With welcome and remarks from:
Gabrielle Rosenstein, Chairwoman VSJF and ECJC JDC SW Track Co-Chair
Mario Izcovich, JDC Europe Director of Pan European Programmes and ECJC JDC SW Track Co-Chair
Mariano Schlimovich, ECJC Executive Director
Inspirational presentation
Post Covid-19 challenges
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed shortcomings in many areas including health and long-term care and support. It has exposed gaps in the way we as individuals, families, communities and societies acknowledge and address risk and inequality, as well as discrimination.
However, in the post Covid-19 world, the opportunity is to strengthen our resilience and creativity, and to promote intergenerational solidarity to save and improve lives. Covid-19 presents us with an opportunity to build a new normal.
Many governments around the world along with WHO and other organisations are increasingly promoting healthy ageing, and this should be a key component of a strategy for the new normal.
Clearly, health (and other) inequalities, which have been present in our communities, have been brutally highlighted during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic did not cause them, merely brought them into the open.
So let the overarching goal post Covid-19 be to ensure healthy ageing and to reduce health inequalities.
Keynote speaker Dr George Leeson, Oxford, UK interviewed by Aron Schuster, Frankfurt, Germany
Exchange Break
15:30 - 16:15
Crossing the Digital Divide
Beyond the pandemic:
One of the silver linings from the pandemic is the advances in technology and the ability of giving remote responses. But what was useful during the crisis, has set a new precedent which in some cases reduced expenses, improved arriving to clients further away and is enabling services to continue to deliver.
But can we learn from these new advances?
What can (and should) we keep and develop from Digitalisation of our services?A conversation with Thomas Kamber, Daniel Casson, Care England (UK) and Ophir Ben Natan, Eshel (Israel), moderated by Mariano Schlimovich, ECJC
14:00 - 14:15
Pandemic and domestic violence: by Viviane Teitelbaum
The Covid crisis and the lockdown have challenged our way of living together and have had a major impact on families, children, students, elderly, single mothers, etc., challenging the balance at home, at work and in social services, health and mental health care. But it also has a problematic impact on the financial situation of persons already at the edge of poverty, or persons losing their jobs, for instance. The pandemic crisis also underscored or magnified many problems such as violence against women and family violence, but also the place of the elderly in our societies.
by Viviane Teitelbaum, Member of the Belgian Parliament.Activist, Politician and writer, Viviane is active in social and health affairs, environment, gender equality and the fight against racism, antisemitism, homophobia
Inspirational presentation
No individual is isolated, and the pandemic has been felt in different fields in each one of the family units from our communities. The impact of lockdowns, the uncertainty of seeing a viable ending to the crisis are made worse by the impact and change of every day life.
How can we better deal with families, which had been strongly impacted by the pandemic?
Assisting families in financial distress will be the key issue on this inspiring presentation.
Key factors to take into consideration, by Adina Schwartz, Yedidut Toronto
Exchange Break
15:15 - 16:15
Parallel sessions
How did communities and services created specific services to answer arising needs.
a) Job Centers - Employment
The case of Work Avenue, UK - by Debbie Sheldon, Work Avenue CEOb) Abuse Services - Hotlines
A discussion with Martine Mattatia, Paris and Naomi Dickson, UK moderated by Rabbi Rebecca Blade, Base Berlinc) Teens' Mental Health
The impossibility of attending in person lessons and the lack of socialization with their own peers, in addition of being enforced to be enclosed with their own families 24/7 made a big impact on Teenagers. Come and hear Drew Fidler, from BBYO who will share with us some of their research and suggested actions.
Opening of the Day
With the conference supporter, Claims Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
Lockdown & Memory
Holocaust survivors, like other elderly citizens, are confined to their homes under the lockdown and find themselves far from their usual network of support.
“Loneliness is one of their greatest sources of distress,” “Every day there is an increase in survivors turning to us for help, but now, because of the coronavirus isolation, it’s different,”
“Even a mere word like ‘curfew’ can bring back painful memories for some,” because of its associations with draconian wartime restrictions in the ghettos and camps.
How is the pandemic impacting Shoah Survivors?
Dr Martin Auerbach, Clinical Director AMCHA, Israel
Exchange Break
15:15 - 15:45
Parallel sessions
Remembrance of the Shoah has been continuously kept in our different communities all through the time.
Many organisations had developed rituals and activities which can be held virtual and can secure the continuity of the activities even in lock down.
Presentation of activities - Parallel Sessions